November 27, 2008

We are thankful for...

(in no particular order)
1. Being safe and together
2. The willingness of the girls next door to explain how to cook in Paraguay (this one below is showing me how to boil the milk)

3. Our vehicle, which has AIR CONDITIONING!!!
4. The internet, and the ability to occasionally chat with folks from home
5. Friends we've met here (They're so willing to offer much-needed assistance to us in shopping, meeting folks, and cooking)
6. Modern conveniences like a refrigerator and a microwave
7. Our Christian heritage, as I realize how many people don't have a basic understanding of Jesus and the way to salvation
8. All the people praying for us, and their continued support and encouragement offered in so many ways
9. The realization of the dream to be cross-cultural missionaries
10. Our pet parrot, Chico, especially now that he lets us hold him without trying to run away (tah-dah, Ken made him a house!)
... and the list goes on and on. God is good.


  1. Amen!
    So glad Chico is warming up to you all! Great bird house, Ken!! Love y'all!!!

  2. Hello! Nice to see your commment on my blog and to "find" yours! Yes there are LOTS of Mennonites in the Chaco and I´ll try to update about them from time to time.
    I like your blog and have added it to my reader, so that I catch your updates.
    Have a great weekend!


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