March 2, 2009
A Full Weekend, Phwew!
No, we haven't dropped off the planet, we've just been running, running, running. Last week was a very hectic homeschool week, with us trying to get back on track. I got up Saturday morning to leave for the hospital before 6 AM (not my style, you know!) and have my "study results" interpreted. I have one more scheduled this Friday because they thought some of my numbers were off and that I may have kidney stones or something. Okay, I don't want anything like that, so I'll take any prayers you want to send up on that matter. :)
After getting back to the house, we all loaded up to spend the day with Fredy's family again. They had invited us to visit so that his mom could teach us the "real" way to make Sopa Paraguaya, which is a delicious version of cornbread. We stuck around for the evening church service, which was held in their front yard. I have tons of pictures from the day, which I plan to share with you later this week. Fredy's mother gifted Caroline with a pair of chickens before we left, since Caroline was oooing and ahhhhing over all the animals there. Caroline was ecstatic. Those of us trying to hold the chickens in the car were a little less excited at the time. Ken is threatening to name one "Fried" and one "Boiled."Sunday morning we attended a service in Carapegua, where several churches came together for worship and Communion. This church still practices literal feet-washing after the Lord's Supper, so that was a treat for me. It was the first time for our girls to experience that.
After service, we took the kids from the Children's Home back (we were packed in like sardines) and headed to Reinaldo's house. He is an old friend of the Millers who invited us for an asado (grilled beef ribs) at his home. We drove past such beautiful scenery to get there, including winding mountain roads, a large lake, streams and rivers, and crystal springs. Reinaldo and his wife have a 3-month old baby, which provided us all with some easy entertainment. Their home is near where the Millers and Mortons live, so we decided to head that way for dessert. Needless to say, it was so late when we finished, we spent the night and headed into Asuncion this morning.
We're still waiting for the car salesman (actually, he's the lot owner) to get us our legal paperwork for our SUV. We expected it today (after being put off SEVERAL times by him) but no luck. We did swing by the supermarket that occasionally gets imported groceries from the US, and Ken found the JACKPOT! Hidden behind and under several bags of other things, he uncovered a single bag of CHOCOLATE CHIPS!!! REAL, semi-sweet Baker's brand chocolate chips!!! I've found some waxy chocolate-flavored chips already, and they are certainly better than nothing, but we were sooo excited to find those today. Shaun and Sara went with us and found something special today, as well, but I won't let the CAT out of the bag for them. I'm sure she'll be sharing about it on her blog. More later....
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