February 11, 2012

Vision Trips

It would seem that our respite/rehab time of surgeries and physical therapy and x-rays and the like is waning, and we are all hopeful that I’ll be getting back to “normal” soon.  There are some things going on inside my leg that I’m not happy with, but I’m trusting God and the doctor that I’ll be walking soon anyway, and man, I’m so ready. 

I’m thankful that God has given us this time.  Well, I’m trying to be anyway.  To be honest, I’m thankful, but I haven’t exactly enjoyed this “slow down, smell the roses, take a breather” phase that we were thrown into.  It doesn’t fit well with my type-A, go-get-‘em, high metabolism, keep busy, DO SOMETHING make-up.   But I recognize that God gives us what we need when we need it, and I appreciate this time of drawing closer to Him and having more study and reflection opportunities.  It’s been sad in a way, to spend less time with Paraguayans, even though we have been able to keep up a little of that.  But it’s been interesting and fulfilling to have time with various short-term missionaries and work with them in a supportive role.  And it’s been incredible to live at the peaceful Hogar Ganar and see the difference being made in the lives of these rescued children.  It’s also been nice to get to know so many other missionaries living in Paraguay, and to learn from them and enjoy their company.  

Can I tell you the truth, though?  The type of work we’ve done this past year is a different style of ministry than the high-paced, youth-focused stuff we’re used to, and it’s felt a little bit like we’ve been on furlough or something.  And I am more than a little hyped up to think of getting back into the thick of things.  But how does one go about “diving in”?

Well, there’s this little thing called vision trips.  That’s one of those buzz terms flying around in mission circles, really meaning just what it says--a trip to a place that may be a possibility for ministry work.  Vision trips usually involve talking to locals, visiting churches, finding out what ministries are in operation already, reading statistics, and tons and tons of prayer.  That sort of thing.  This week we ventured out again on vision trips into the interior of Paraguay, always amazed at how beautiful this country and her people are. 

After visiting about one million places, we’ve got it narrowed down to a short list.  We’d appreciate all the prayers you’d like to send up, as there are a few things we’d like to have settled before we move again, and we want to move in God’s time, God’s way. 

Later this week I’ll share pictures of some of the amazing places we visited, and maybe God will inspire you to come on a vision trip of your own!!!  :) 


  1. WOW! Can't wait to see and hear about the place(s) you guys are led to next. Love you and will be joining you in prayer. {huggs}

  2. Whatever you're doing, you're doing to the best of your ability for Him, and He won't let you down as you make decisions! Yes, we're happy to pray for you. Glad to know your recovery is inching towards fullness! It's been so hard, but you kept (and keep) smiling. If you're thinking of changing doctors/physical therapists/etc. again, we can give your some references. Take care and God bless you and your wonderful family. I'm so glad we've gotten to know each other and also glad you're enjoying my blog as I do yours. Thanks for your prayers too. Blessings.

  3. Yes, friend we are praying for God to specifically guide you in this next chapter. Looking forward to seeing the pics when you get a chance. Hugs and blessings!


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