March 20, 2009

Project: Puente and Prater's Creek

Project: Puente is the brainchild of Camille and Caroline, who have decided they want to take a more active role in our mission here. The goal of the project is to be a bridge (or "puente") between children at home and children here. They hope to facilitate communication through letters and postcards, emails, or e-videos. Not only will this be a great encouragement to these local children, but it will make overseas mission come alive for those in the United States.

The needs in this community are great, with most families living in a level of poverty we can't comprehend. We found out a few days ago that many of the school children come to class without the basic supplies needed to complete their work. For a lot of them, daily food is not a sure thing, so pencils and paper are a luxury. With that in mind, Camille and Caroline decided to "kick off" their ministry by getting some of these things to the teachers, so that they can disburse to those children in need. Friday (yesterday), they took pencils, scissors, glue, rulers for each grade at the Andres Avalino Delvalle Escuela Basica (Elementary School).
If your child or the children's department at your church would like to be involved in this project by becoming a pen-pal partner to a child/children here, please contact us for further details. On that note, we received an unexpected package from the Children's Ministry of Praters Creek Baptist Church in Pickens, SC. It was an envelope stuffed full of handmade cards of encouragement, and we were so glad to receive them. How thoughtful that these little people took the time to minister to us here. Thank you, Bryan and Christi, for going to the trouble to bless us. It was a welcome surprise!


  1. What a great idea from your girls! I bet that will feel them much more needed in this country!

  2. Blog really looks great!!!Let me guess-your mom must have been really artistic and you took after her. Love,your Mom

  3. Girls....I think this is a wonderful idea. I'll work on getting up some school supplies to bring when we come in July. What fun! I am always buying up stuff at the end of the school year for my kids the next year. I'll just have to see what Miss Cooper can gather! luv you both...and all! :o) See you in a few months...yeah!!


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