November 7, 2009

One Year Anniversary

One year, 365 days, 52 weeks, 12 months, a whole lot of learning and laughing and missing and crying and loving and roasting and freezing and cooking and cleaning and messing up and most of all, PRAYING!! "Oh, Lord, are you SURE I'm cut out for this?" "Oh, Lord, can I really keep up with this list?" "Oh, Lord, is anyone being touched by what we do?" "Oh, Lord, am I going to burst into flames out here?" "Oh, Lord, how did I get so blessed?"

So we touched down in the Asuncion airport one year ago today, and only had an inkling of what the year would hold. We've learned a lot, mostly that we have a lot to learn! And we've made some great friends here. God has been good, and we're just thrilled to death that He's put us here, excited about what's next in His plan for Paraguay: Year 2. :)

Thanks for all the prayers and support of all kinds you've given us. When we say, "It means so much," we really mean it. There's no way to say what the encouragement, advice, prayers, finances, emails, phone calls, care packages, and ___ (Fill in the blank with any one of the many ways you've shown us your love and His love) have done to make this year possible. We made it through together, so rejoice WITH us today!!


  1. Congratulations! That's's all Him, isn't it? Praising Him for your faithfulness to the call to this blessed country!

  2. Time sure has passed since you guys left. We sure miss you, but I know that is one life experience you guys sure are glad not to have missed!

  3. Celebrating with ya'll and praying that God continue to bless you and your ministry! May each passing year bring friendships that are deepened, more hearts stirred and may you have a growing confidence in the amazing power of our Lord!


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